И мы это сделали! Леветирующие матрёшки, не имеющие аналогов в мире! Совсем скоро открытие музея Матрёшки, где каждый наш гость сможет наблюдать парящую в воздухе красоту!
The Vladimir Region has long been famous for the wealth of folk traditions and craftsmen who create amazing wood products! The Vladimir-Suzdal Patterns factory is the main receiver of the traditional decorative and applied art of the Vladimir-Suzdal land for the artistic processing of wood and its painting. The company is a "brand" of souvenir products of the Vladimir region. The factory's craftsmen create souvenir painted wood products of such breeds as linden, alder, birch with a unique and unique "Flower and berry" ornament of our region. The factory's products can be used not only as a souvenir, but also used in everyday life.
Our company is also engaged in conducting master classes on painting nesting dolls and other wooden products, as well as constantly participates in sales fairs, exhibitions, festivals.
16a Promyshlennaya str., Suzdal, Vladimir region
You can view other rooms in our new hotel on our website: suvorova26.ru